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Home > 2018/11 - Pasadena, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Pasadena Top Tables Update: Round 11

YCS Pasadena Top Tables Update: Round 11

November 18th, 2018

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in the final Swiss Round of YCS Pasadena!

Table 1: Francis Lloyd (Altergeist) vs. Darren Stephenson (Gouki)
Table 2: Abraham King (Thunder Dragon) vs. Matthew McRae (Gouki)
Table 3: Aldo Garcia Ruiz (Gouki) vs. Kai Koester (DARK Warrior)
Table 4: Kevin Bortle (Trickstar Artifact) vs. Dablessin Wilson (Danger! Gouki)
Table 5: Jonathan Rosario (Burning Abyss) vs. Roman Kieser (DARK Warrior)
Table 6: Shunping Xu (Sky Striker) vs. Trevor Dominguez (Sky Striker)
Table 7: Brian Chen (Pendulum) vs. Hani Jawhari (Danger! Gouki)
Table 8: Aaron McInnes (Sky Striker) vs. Simon He (Sky Striker)
Table 9: Ruben Penaranda (DARK Gouki) vs. Caulin Bradshaw (Gouki)
Table 10: Yosef Negussie (Gouki) vs. Harold Rillo (Trickstar)

Gouki Decks are the most popular Decks at the top 10 tables, with a whopping 8 Duelists representing them using different variants. Sky Striker Decks are the second most popular Deck in the top 10 tables, with 4 Duelists using them. The remaining 8 Decks at the top 10 tables consist of 2 DARK Warrior Decks, 2 different Trickstar variants, an Altergeist Deck, a Thunder Dragon Deck, a Burning Abyss Deck, and a Pendulum-based Deck. There are at least 8 vastly different strategies at the top 10 tables, and it’s anyone’s guess which strategy will prevail at the end of the weekend. Follow the coverage to find out!