QQ: What Deck will be popular and how are you fighting it?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! With any tournament, half the battle comes with preparing your Deck to face the most popular strategies. What Decks did our YCS Chicago Duelists expect to see, and what cards are they playing to combat them?
“Sky Strikers, Altergeists, and Thunder Dragons. I’m Main Decking Evenly Matched and Twin Twisters even though I choose to go first. My Deck does search a lot.” -Bobby Kenny, 26
“Altergeist – There Can Be Only One” -Justin Mhin, 29
“Sky Strikers and Thunder. Evenly Matched and a Photon/Galaxy board with Starliege Photon Blast Dragon.” -Semorris Powell, 21
“Sky Striker – There Can Be Only One” -Jordan Brockel, 24
“Thunder Dragon and Lunalights – Hand traps” -Nicholas Kioutas, 24
“Thunder Dragons” -Brian S., 26
“Striker & Geist – Heavy Storm Duster” -Kevin Donelly, 16
“Back row heavy” -Zaid Saleem, 27
“Spamming the field. I’m using Summon Limit to combat it.” -Jerry Borbon, 28
“Sky Striker – Called by the Grave / The Monarchs Stormforth. Altergiest – Dinowrestler Pankratops / Evenly Matched.” -Benjamin Deeter, 25
“Altergeist, Sky Striker, Thunder Dragon – Prank-Kids cards” -Isaac Sarver, 19
“Thunder Dragon” -Jason Cutler, 26