Home > 2019/02 - Chicago, IL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What is Your Favorite Change to the Forbidden & Limited List?

QQ: What is Your Favorite Change to the Forbidden & Limited List?

February 3rd, 2019

QQ stands for Quick Questions! We just updated the Forbidden & Limited List, which had some major impact on the format. What are our Duelists’ favorite changes to the list?

Inzektor Hornet unlimited” -Nicholas Kioutas, 24

“Banning Fairy Tail – Snow” -Kevin Donelly, 16

Inzektor Hornet to 3” -Isaac Sarver, 19

“Rhongo being banned” -Jerry Borbon, 28

“Bye bye Gumblar and Rhongo” -Zaid Saleem, 27

“Construct to 1” -Jason Cutler, 26

“Rhongo / Gumblar banned” -Benjamin Deeter, 25

“Gumblar and Number 86 being banned felt so good.” -Semorris Powell, 21

“Construct to 1, Hornet to 3” -Zach Pudlo, 24

“Chaos Emperor is back” -Jordan Brockel, 24

Fairy Tail – Snow has been too good for too long” -Bobby Kenny, 26

Some varied opinions, but overall it seems people were most happy to see the very strong turn 1 cards Topologic Gumblar Dragon and Number 86: Heroic Champion – Rhongomyniad moved to the Forbidden List; others were glad to see the restrictions loosened on fan favorite cards such as Inzektor Hornet and El Shaddoll Construct.