QQ: What’s Your Favorite Neo-Spacian?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! There’s a bunch of new Neos cards in Savage Strike, so we had to ask: What’s your favorite Neo-Spacian?
“Neo-Spacian Grand Mole” -Isaac Sarver, 19
“Grand Mole” -Benjamin Deeter, 25
“Connector” -Zaid Saleem, 27 (Neo Space Connector isn’t technically a Neo-Spacian but you can make the connection.)
“Dark Panther does silly stuff, but I’m playing Aqua Dolphin” -Bobby Kenny, 26
“Neo-Spacian Grand Mole” -Jerry Borbon, 28
“Grand Mole! All the way the best one.” -Semorris Powell, 21
“Glow Moss” -Nicholas Kioutas, 24
“Grand Mole” -Justin Mhin, 29
“Grand Mole” -Brian S., 26
“Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin” -Kevin Donnelly, 16
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole wins by a landslide! Grand Mole had a long career as a Limited card due to its supreme power, so it’s only logical it would be the favorite.