Home > 2019/02 - Chicago, IL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Who’s the best Yu-Gi-Oh! heroine?

QQ: Who’s the best Yu-Gi-Oh! heroine?

February 3rd, 2019

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The new Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose features the cards of many of Yu-Gi-Oh!’s leading ladies. Who is your favorite?

“Mai Valentine” -Jerry Borbon, 28

“Alexis Rhodes” -Isaac Sarver, 19

“Akiza is bae” -Bobby Kenny, 26

“Mai” -Justin Mhin, 29

“Mai Valentine” -Kevin Donnelly, 16

“Akiza” -Brian S., 26

“Akiza Izinski <3” -Nicholas Kioutas, 24

“Akiza” -Jordan Brockel, 24

“Akiza” -Semorris Powell, 21

“Alexis Rhodes” -Benjamin Deeter, 25