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Home > 2019/02 - Chicago, IL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top Tables Update: Round 9

Top Tables Update: Round 9

February 2nd, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in the final Swiss Rounds of Day 1 of YCS Chicago!

Table 1: Ed Acepcion (Danger! Orcust) vs. Dablessin Wilson (Pendulum Magician)
Table 2: David Edwards (Chaos Dragons) vs. Chase Davis (Sky Striker)
Table 3: Cecil Davis (Danger!) vs. Steven Gregory (Sky Striker)
Table 4: Brandon Sevitz (Danger!) vs. Akeem Abrahim (Trickstar)
Table 5: Chia Vang (Kozmo) vs. Carlos Aquino (Sky Striker)
Table 6: Manav Dawar (Sky Striker) vs. Brian Kalina (Sky Striker)
Table 7: Scott Sheahan (Altergeist) vs. John Wright (Subterror)
Table 8: Garon Williams (Altergeist) vs. Denis Nadas (Thunder Dragon)
Table 9: Trevor Dominguez (Sky Striker) vs. Jonas Koschel (Thunder Dragon)
Table 10: Christopher Barwicki (Altergeist) vs. Raphael Neven (Lunalight)

The Deck diversity at the top tables continues into the final Swiss Round! We have Chaos Dragons, Orcusts, Danger! monsters, Pendulum Magicians, Trickstars, Kozmos, Altergeists, Subterrors, Thunder Dragons, Sky Strikers, and Lunalights at the top 10 tables, with only 2 more Swiss Rounds to be played out tomorrow. Follow the coverage to see which Decks make it into the Top 32!