Home > 2019/02 - Chicago, IL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Chicago: Top 32 Pairings and Deck Breakdown

YCS Chicago: Top 32 Pairings and Deck Breakdown

February 3rd, 2019

Here are you Top 32 matchups!

Table 1: Aaron Chase Furman (Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Dablessin Jaquise Wilson (Pendulum Magician)

Table 2: Kobe Louis Short (Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Chase Alyse Davis (Sky Striker)

Table 3: Calvin Habib Tahan (ABC) vs. David July Flores (Sky Striker)

Table 4: Clifton Scott Land II (Subterror) vs. Andres David Torres Reyes (Danger! Thunder Dragon)

Table 5: Denis Nadas (Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Kassim Abdool Hakim (Sky Striker)

Table 6: Kenneth Andrew-Thomas McCarthy (Crusadia) vs. Brandon Scott Sevitz (Danger!)

Table 7: Raul Gabriel Torres Cordero (Sky Striker) vs. Carlos Rafael Aquino (Sky Striker)

Table 8: Alex James Mondlak (Cyber Dragon) vs. Alejandro Garcia Moreno (Sky Striker)

Table 9: Akeem Abu Abrahim (Trickstar) vs. Christopher Michael Haberstroh (Sky Striker)

Table 10: Cristian Rafael Urena (Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Stefan Gabriel Gisli Benson Molgat (Crusadia)

Table 11: John Campbell Wright (Subterror) vs. Shovon Roy (Danger! Thunder Dragon)

Table 12: Ed Elton Devera Acepcion (Danger! Orcust) vs. Trevor Juan Dominguez (Sky Striker)

Table 13: Johnathan Wayne Gochenour (Prank-Kids) vs. Tristan Bryce Aman (Thunder Dragon)

Table 14: Jonas Theodor Koschel (Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Galileo Mauricio De Obaldia Soza (Danger! Thunder Dragon)

Table 15: Bernardo Miranda (Sky Striker) vs. Arnold Nadaban Zanabria (Danger! Thunder Dragon)

Table 16: Jordan James Armstrong (Sky Striker) vs. Raphael Pelaja Neven (Danger! Lunalight)

Here’s the breakdown:

10 Sky Striker
9 Danger! Thunder Dragon
1 Thunder Dragon
2 Subterror
2 Crusadia
1 Trickstar
1 Prank-Kids
1 Cyber Dragon
1 Pendulum Magician
1 Danger!
1 Danger! Orcust
1 Danger! Lunalight

We have an even split between the Sky Striker Decks and Thunder Dragon Decks, each with ten total. Of the ten Thunder Dragon Decks, all but one are using Danger! as part of the strategy.

Besides those two major Decks, there are ten other strategies here, with one or two representatives each. Subterrors with Subterror Guru are a new control strategy, and Crusadia are now making waves with the addition of the Guardragons. There’s a ton of variety here at YCS Chicago!