. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Savage Strike?
Home > 2019/03 - UDS Invitational - Winter 2019 - Las Vegas, Ultimate Duelist Series > QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Savage Strike?

QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Savage Strike?

March 2nd, 2019

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Savage Strike changed the competitive landscape of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance to see which cards from Savage Strike are their favorites. Check out their responses!

Guardragon Agarpain.” -Jesus Reyes Flores

Pot of Extravagance. Draw… Draw… Draw….” -Daniel Ramirez Isaiah

Guardragon Elpy.” -Oscar Renderos

Lappis Dragon, because despite its name, it’s not a Dragon.” -Sebastian Ian Chen


Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay.” -Abel Carrasco

Time Thief Redoer and Impcantation Chalislime.” -Tyler Schmauch

Valkyrie Sechste.” -Angel Ascerco

Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay.” -Christian Aquiro

Aloof Alpine. My man is a wolf. That’s my spirit animal.” -Roberto Carlos Gomez Picazo

Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay.” -Eddie Martin Strom

There are lots of popular cards from Savage Strike, but it should be no surprise that Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay was one of the most common answers. Phantazmay is being used in lots of different Decks to combat Link Summons and is one of the most powerful cards from Savage Strike. Continue following the coverage to see which cards from Savage Strike have the biggest impact on the UDS Invitational – Winter 2019 here in Las Vegas, Nevada!