. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Team YCS Atlanta: Dragon Duel Saturday – Round 3: William Randolph McDow vs. Michael Cameron Monk
Home > 2019/03 - Atlanta, GA > Team YCS Atlanta: Dragon Duel Saturday – Round 3: William Randolph McDow vs. Michael Cameron Monk

Team YCS Atlanta: Dragon Duel Saturday – Round 3: William Randolph McDow vs. Michael Cameron Monk

March 16th, 2019

Today’s Dragon Duel started with 8 players.  We’re now in Round 3, the final round of Swiss, and we’re at Table 1 with William Randolph McDow from right here in Atlanta, Georgia facing off against Michael Cameron Monk from Brookwood, Alabama.  Unlike the Team format for the YCS main event, the Dragon Duel tournament remains an Advanced Constructed format. A win here is a near-certain lock for first place in today’s tournament and a spot in tomorrow’s Dragon Duel Championship match. It’s time to Duel!

Duel 1

Monk won the roll and elected to go first.  Monk started with Kyoutou Waterfront then Normal Summoned Crusadia Draco.  Draco was sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Crusadia Magius.  Kyoutou Waterfront gained a counter.  He then Special Summoned Gilasaurus from his hand!  Magius’s effect let Monk add Crusadia Draco from his Deck to his hand.  Magius and Gilasaurus were used to Link Summon Crusadia Spatha!  The Waterfront went to 3 counters.  Draco’s effect let Monk Special Summon it from his hand, then he used Draco to Link Summon Guardragon Ephy!  Waterfront gained its fourth counter.  Spatha’s effect let Monk move Ephy over one zone.  Then he used Ephy’s effect to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from his Deck!  Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon’s effect let Monk Special Summon Crusadia Draco from the Graveyard.  Monk used all 4 monsters to Link Summon Saryuja Skull Dread!  Waterfront now had the maximum of 5 counters.  He used Saryuja Skull Dread’s effect to draw 4 cards then put 3 cards in his hand on the bottom of his Deck.  Monk then banished Crusadia Magius from his Graveyard to Special Summon Black Dragon Collapserpent.  Collapserpent was used to Link Summon Guardragon Pitsy!  He used Black Dragon Collapserpent’s effect to add White Dragon Wyverbuster from his Deck to his hand.  He then used Waterfront’s effect to add Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju from his Deck to his hand.  Next, Monk used Pitsy’s effect let Monk Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from his Graveyard.  He used Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon’s effect to Special Summon Draco from his Graveyard again, then used Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Draco to Link Summon Guardragon Agarpain!  Agarpain’s effect let Monk Special Summon Hot-Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss from his Extra Deck!  He then used Saryuja Skull Dread’s effect to Special Summon Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju from his hand in Defense Poisition.  He then Special Summoned White Dragon Wyverbuster by banishing Black Dragon from his Graveyard.  Saryuja Skull Dread, White Dragon, and the 2 Guardragon’s to Link Summon another Saryuja Skull Dread.  He used the draw effect again, drawing 4 and sending 3 to the bottom of his Deck.  With open zones behind Saryuja Skull Dread, Monk Special Summonedthe Level 3 Tuner Monster Crusadia Arboria then Special Summoned the Level 3 Crusadia Reclusia from his hand.  He used the 2 Crusadia monsters to Synchro Summon Coral Dragon.  

McDow’s Normal Summoned RAM Clouder and then activated Poison of the Old Man, inflicting 800 damage to Monk, the first damage of the Duel!  McDow Set Trap Stun and passed.  

Monk Special Summoned Crusadia Arboria from his hand to a vacant zone behind Saryuja Skull Dread, then activated Coral Dragon’s effect, discarding Crusadia Maximus and destroying Monk’s Set Trap Stun.  Monk switched all of his monsters to Attack Position.  Saryuja Skull Dread attacked and destroyed McDow’s RAM Clouder, and the rest of his monsters attacked to end the first Duel.  

Duel 2

McDow started with a hand of Crusadia Reclusia, Terminal World NEXT, Royal Decree, Bottomless Trap Hole and Capacitor Stalker.  He Set Reclusia and passed.  

Monk Normal Summoned Crusadia Maximus.  He sent it to the Graveyard to Link Summon Crusadia Magius.  He then activated World’s Legacy Succession to Special Summon Maximus from the Graveyard behind Magius, and Magius’s effect let Monk add Crusadia Draco to his hand.  He used the two monsters to Link Summon Crusadia Spatha.  Monk Special Summoned Crusadia Draco from his hand with its effect.  Draco was sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Guardragon Ephy and it was moved one zone over thanks to Spatha’s effect. Monk activated Ephy’s effect and Special Summoned Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from his Deck.  He used Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to Special Summon Draco from the Graveyard.  He used all 4 monsters to Link Summon Saryuja Skull Dread!  He used the draw effect to draw 4 cards and put 3 on the bottom of his Deck.  He then Special Summoned Crusadia Reclusia behind Saryuja Skull Dread.  Monk activated Reclusia’s effect, destroying it and McDow’s Set Reclusia.  Monk then Special Summoned White Dragon Wyverbuster by banishing Guardragon Ephy from the Graveyard.  He then sent White Dragon Wvverbuster to the Graveyard to Link Summon Guardragon Pitsy whose effect to Special Summoned Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from the Graveyard.  He then used Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon’s effect to Special Summon Crusadia Draco from the Graveyard.  Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Draco to Link Summon Guardagon Agarpain.  Agarpain’s effect let Monk Special Summon Borrelsword Dragon to the field from the Extra Deck!  He then used all of the monsters to Link Summon another Saryuja Skull Dread!  He used the draw effect, drawing 4 and sending 3 to the bottom of the Deck.  Monk then activated World Legacy Guardragon, Special Summoning Draco from the Graveyard.  He then used Monster Reborn to Special Summon Borrelsword Dragon back to the field!  (note: at the time, none of the players realized that Monster Reborn could not target Borrelsword Dragon because it was not Link Summoned).  All of the monsters attacked and Borrelsword Dragon used its effect to end the match!  (Note: while the illegal activation is unfortunate, it should be noted that Monster Reborn targeting Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon whose effect could Special Summon the first Saryuja Skull Dread also puts enough damage on the field to end the match.)

Michael Cameron Monk wins the match and is likely to end the tournament in first place!