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Home > 2019/03 - UDS Invitational - Winter 2019 - Las Vegas, Ultimate Duelist Series > UDS Invitational Las Vegas, NV: And the Winner is…

UDS Invitational Las Vegas, NV: And the Winner is…

March 3rd, 2019
The Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational – Winter 2019 here in Las Vegas is finished!

Tyler Pfeifer has become the Ultimate Duelist!
Salamangreat and Sky Striker Decks constantly battled for dominance at the top tables this weekend, and the Finals came down to these two Decks! Carl Manigat from Long Island, New York piloted a Salamangreat Deck featuring the newest cards in Structure Deck: Soulburner all the way to the Finals. Once there, he faced off against Tyler Pfeifer from Reno, Nevada and his Sky Striker Deck.
The Final Match was an intense one. But in the end, Tyler Pfeifer and his Sky Strikers triumphed, allowing him to claim the title of “Ultimate Duelist” and take home the Championship Belt.
The cards from Savage Strike had a huge impact this weekend, and aside from the key Salamangreat cards in the set, Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay may have been the most influential on the tournament. Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay was used to combat omnipresent Link-based strategies that ran rampant in the tournament.
There are many viable strategies in the current era, and once again, the Sky Striker theme has proven its place among them. Congratulations to Tyler Pfeifer for piloting the Deck to victory this weekend!