UDS Invitational Las Vegas, NV: Top 16 Deck Breakdown
Here are your Top 16 Duelists!
Cameron Taylor Neal (Salamangreat) vs. Clifton Scott Land II (Sky Striker)
Joel Thomas White (Salamangreat) vs. Nishaad Sebastian Lorengo (Danger! Thunder Dragon)
Tyler Jack Pfeifer (Sky Striker) vs. Mason Lee Mattila (Sky Striker)
Dominic Eduardo Couch (Sky Striker) vs. Justin Andrew Singh (Salamangreat)
Carl Edouard Manigat (Salamangreat) vs. Kenny Huy Nguyen (Sky Striker)
Marc Daniel St. Romain (Salamangreat) vs. Jacob Noah Kuskin (Salamangreat)
Hani Yasser Jawhari (Sky Striker) vs. Daniel Escamilla Rangel (Salamangreat)
Esala Sammidha de Alwis Wathuthantrige (Danger! Zombie) vs. Andrew Gerard Fredella (Sky Striker)
That gives us the following:
7 Salamangreat
7 Sky Striker
1 Danger! Thunder Dragon
1 Danger! Zombie
The Salamangreats have proven their worth, using their new Structure Deck: Soulburner cards to be one of the most popular Decks at their first premier event in North America. The cards have been out for a few weeks now, so Duelists have had time to tune their Decks to the best they can be.
Tied for most popular are the always popular Sky Strikers. The only new card they’ve recently received was Sky Striker Ace – Kaina from Savage Strike, but they don’t need new cards to remain relevant. The strategy is highly consistent and is a safe choice for any Duelist.
The remaining two Duelists are both playing Danger! monsters, but in very different strategies. One is a Thunder Dragon Deck, while the other is a Deck using Orcust and Zombies with Zombie World.