UDS Winter Invitational 2019 Tech Update
Here’s a look at some of the biggest tech cards we’re seeing this weekend!
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
This Secret Rare from Savage Strike has been a huge help against the common Link Monster strategies that are popular right now,. Even against Sky Strikers, which typically only field one Link Monster at a time, Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay will help you, but you’ll get much more mileage out of it against Salamangreats, the various Danger! Decks, and Guardragons. The more Link Monsters they play, the better! With Phantazmay filtering your hand to get you your answers and your combo pieces and shuffle away dead cards, that alone would be worth playing. Add on its negation effect, and you’ve got a way to play through the common openers from the top Decks. As an added bonus, Phantazmay is a DARK Dragon, so it plays nicely with cards like Chaos Dragon Levianeer, Eclipse Wyvern, and the Guardragons.
Artifact Scythe and Artifact Sanctum
Duelists have flocked to Artifact Scythe as their answer to the many strategies focused on the Extra Deck. Most are playing a single Scythe backed by triple Artifact Sanctum to get it in play only when actually needed. In the past, Duelists would play a suite of Artifacts including Artifact Moralltach and sometimes Artifact Lancea, alongside Scythe. Now, they’ve largely abandoned all those others. The logic is that once you’ve interrupted their big play with Scythe, you should have put yourself into a position to win the Duel now – the other Artifacts are just extraneous. If you do use them, they’re in the Side Deck.
One of the biggest benefits of this strategy is that it plays perfectly with triple Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay. If you draw your single Scythe or extra Sanctums, you can have Phantazmay shuffle them back into the Deck while drawing new cards.
There Can Be Only One
Likely the strongest floodgate card right now, There Can Be Only One is seeing play in any Deck that can accommodate it. Subterrors and True Dracos are the two strategies most capable of utilizing this brutal Continuous Trap Card, with some even using it in the Main Deck. Salamangreats, Sky Strikers, Thunder Dragons, Altergeists, and Trickstars all struggle in the face of this card.