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Home > 2019/03 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Welcome to YCS Atlanta, GA

Welcome to YCS Atlanta, GA

March 16th, 2019

Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Atlanta, GA!

Welcome to YCS Atlanta, the first Team YCS!

The 3 vs 3 Team Public Event has been a mainstay of YCS Public Events for over 6 years.  Now, it becomes a YCS itself as we proudly present the first-ever Team Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Event!  

We ended Friday’s pre-registration with just over 300 3-person teams registered.  There’s an excitement in the air that comes with new experiences and being able to share that experience with friends. Telling your Dueling teammates about your previous Duel is one thing, but having them right next to you as you topdeck Monster Reborn or activate a key Infinite Impermanence that shifts the Duel back into your favor is something that can be shared for years to come!  

Players have shown up with Decks that run the gamut along with the tried and true tournament-winning strategies like Sky Striker and Trickstar with the relatively new Salamangreat Deck boosted by Structure Deck: Soulburner also in the mix.  It remains to be seen if team dynamics affected Deck choices, but we’ll see as the day goes on.  

You can check out livestream feature matches on the official YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialYuGiOhTCG.  Updates on Public Events, pictures from the tournament and select winners from Public Events will be posted here on the Event Coverage blog.  

Welcome to YCS Atlanta!