Welcome to YCS Knoxville, Tennessee!
Welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series here in Knoxville, Tennessee!
890 Duelists have gathered here in Knoxville, Tennessee for North America’s first Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series under the latest Forbidden & Limited List, which took effect on April 29th. The Limitations recently placed on Sky Striker Ace – Kagari and Lady Debug dealt a huge blow to Sky Striker and Cyberse strategies, while the placement of Summon Sorceress and The Phantom Knights’ Rank-Up-Magic Launch on the Forbidden List made it tougher to use combo Decks that amass insurmountable fields.
The recent releases of The Infinity Chasers in March, Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters in April, and Dark Neostorm in May also infused new cards – and new strategies – into the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. The Infinity Chasers introduced Infinitracks, Witchcrafters, and Evil Eyes, while Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters reinvigorated Pendulum Decks for this weekend. Dark Neostorm may have the greatest impact of all, with powerful new tech cards like Gnomaterial, Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood, and Crackdown being usable in many different Decks, and other cards giving more Deck-specific boosts to themes like Salamangreat, Burning Abyss, and Orcust.
The Duelist are seated and Round 1 is about to begin. It’s time to Duel!