2019 Central America Dragon Duel WCQ: Top 8 Duelists!
The Swiss Rounds of the 2019 Central America Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier are complete, and we’re down to just 8 Duelists and 8 different Decks!
1.) Alan Leonardo Martinez Capetillo (Mekk-Knight Invoked)
2.) Pedro Emiliano Moreno Mendoza (Anti-Meta)
3.) Victor Alfonso Gonzalez Martinez (True Draco)
4.) Said Abdahel Infante Ruiz (ABC)
5.) Luis Eduardo Porras Garcia De Jalon (Salamangreat)
6.) Alejandro Porras Olivares (Zombie)
7.) Faustino Abdiel Gonzalez Santiago (Blue-Eyes)
8.) Jorge Emilio Apud Page (Danger! Orcust)
Last years Dragon Duel Champion, Alan Leonardo Martinez Capetillo, is back again this year and finished first after Swiss! While the Top 8 contains 7 Duelists from Mexico, Faustino Abdiel Gonzalez Santiago is still battling it out and representing Panama.
These Duelists will be back tomorrow to vie for first place and the honor of competing in this year’s Dragon Duel World Championship!