Home > 2019 Central America WCQ, Championships > Central America WCQ: Top Cut Deck Breakdown!

Central America WCQ: Top Cut Deck Breakdown!

June 9th, 2019

We have now entered the Top Cut, and a whopping 10 different types of Decks have advanced to the Single Elimination Rounds!

Here is the breakdown:

20 Salamangreat
16 Orcust
11 Sky Striker
8 Thunder Dragon
3 Endymion
2 DARK Danger!
1 Altergeist
1 Infernoid
1 Subterror
1 True Draco

We saw Salamangreat dominate the Top Tables throughout the tournament, so it makes perfect sense that so many made it through. Orcust managed to overtake Sky Striker, which is slightly surprising given how many Sky Striker we saw in the Top Tables, but the powerful combo strategy received a couple new tools from Dark Neostorm that definitely put it over the top. Similarly, Thunder Dragon variants now have access to Omni Dragon Brotaur from Dark Neostorm, allowing them to build even bigger boards with crazier combos.

While everyone expected those Decks to be the four most represented, no one would’ve guessed that Endymion would be next! Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters gave birth to an entire new Pendulum Spellcaster theme, and it looks like this is the most powerful Pendulum Deck out there right now. With a couple DARK Danger! variants as well as single copies of Altergeist, Infernoid, Subterror, and True Draco, the Top 64 here at the Central America WCQ is definitely going to be a treat!

What Deck will take it down?