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North America WCQ: Check Out the New Dice for Pre-Registering!

June 22nd, 2019

There are new dice here this weekend at the North America WCQ, and they’re only available to Duelists who pre-registered for the event on Friday. Check them out!

Replacing the pre-registration dice featuring the Millennium Items that were available at previous events, new dice featuring Spell & Trap Card symbols are available in North America for the first time this weekend! These dice, featured above, are blue and purple for Spell and Trap dice respectively. There are 6 different blue dice, featuring the Spell Card symbol; the Continuous Spell symbol; the Equip Spell symbol; the Ritual Spell symbol; the Quickplay symbol; and the Field Spell symbol. There are 3 different purple dice, featuring the Trap Card symbol; the Counter Trap symbol; and the Continuous Trap symbol. Each Duelist receives one random die for pre-registering.

These dice are available for the first time in North America this weekend, but will also be available to Duelists who pre-register for future YCS events. There are 9 different dice in total, so Duelists will need to pre-register in several different events in order to get different ones. Each of the 9 dice are also available in an extremely rare alternate “gold” form. Only the luckiest Duelists will receive these “chase” dice that all of the Duelists are after.

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