. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » North America WCQ: Yugi-Parent Spotlight – Mark Vianello
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North America WCQ: Yugi-Parent Spotlight – Mark Vianello

June 22nd, 2019

Mark Vianello and his son Kristopher are here at the Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier from Dewey, Arizona.  Kristopher has been playing the game for 3 years and he won his invite to the Dragon Duel WCQ from a Dragon Duel Regional Qualifier in Las Vegas, which is a 4 hour drive for them.

Mark likes the interaction and camaraderie Kris has with the other Duelists he plays with.   “They’re all speaking the same language!”

Kris’s older brothers also play the TCG, and Mark plays with them at home and brings them to Game On, a Konami Official Tournament Store in Prescott, Arizona for their tournaments.

“The game is a positive influence”, says Mark, “bringing him together with other kids, he’s taught his friends at school how to play and he’s taken a leadership role in teaching the game.  He can sure beat the tar out of me every day!”