. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 1 Feature Match: Crandial Gerald Rogers vs. Robert Kenny III
Home > 2019/06 - Knoxville, TN, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 1 Feature Match: Crandial Gerald Rogers vs. Robert Kenny III

Round 1 Feature Match: Crandial Gerald Rogers vs. Robert Kenny III

June 1st, 2019

Welcome to YCS Knoxville! This is the first YCS in North America since the release of The Infinity Chasers, Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters, Duel Power, Dark Neostorm, and a Forbidden and Limited List update! There’s a lot of new strategies coming into the mix and old strategies getting some new life! One of those is Dark Magicians, a long-time fan favorite strategy that got support from Duel Power. Cramdial Gerald Rogers has Dark Magician today and his first round opponent is Robert Kenny III with a sixty-card Deck including Danger!, Orcust and combination of other strategies. It’s time to Duel!

Duel 1

Kenny won the roll and elected to go first. Kenny started off with 2 Set cards and passed.

Rogers drew Windwitch – Ice Bell and activated her effect to Special Summon herself and Windwitch – Glass Bell. Glass Bell’s effect activated but Kenny chained Effect Veiler to negate the effect. Rogers used both monsters to Special Summon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Rogers went into the Battle Phase and attacked directly for 2500, leaving Kenny at 5500 LP. Kenny Set Magician Navigation and Quaking Mirror Force. Kenny used Cosmic Cyclone to banish the Magician Navigation.

Kenny started his turn by activating Danger! Nessie!. Orcustrated Babel was discarded and Danger! Nessie! was Special Summoned in Defense Position. He then Normal Summoned Jet Synchron and used both monsters to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus. He then used that monster to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid. He discarded Cosmic Cyclone to use Mermaid’s effect and Special Summoned Orcust Knightmare from the Deck. He used both monsters to Link Summon Galatea, the Orcust Automaton. He then activated Orcust Knightmare’s effect to boost Galatea’s ATK and send Orcust Harp Horror from the Deck to the GY. Harp Horror was banished from the GY and Kenny Special Summoned Orcust Cymbal Skeleton from his Deck. Galatea’s effect sent the banished Orcust Knightmare back to Kenny’s Deck. He used Galatea and Orcust Cymbal Skeleton to Link Summon The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche. He used Cymbal Skeleton’s effect from the Graveyard, banishing it to Special Summon Galatea from the Graveyard then Xyz Summoned Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star using Galatea as a Material. Dingirsu’s effect destroyed Rogers’s Set Quaking Mirror Force while Rusty Bardiche’s effect let Kenny send The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak from the Deck to the Graveyard and Set Phantom Knights’ Fog Blade from the Deck directly to the Field. The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak was banished from the Graveyard to add The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from his Deck to his hand which was immediately Special Summoned. Kenny’s monsters cleared the field with attacks. He then Link Summoned another Galatea using The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots and Dingirsu as Link Material, then The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots was banished to add another Fog Blade from his Deck to his hand which was Set.

Rogers Normal Summoned Magician’s Rod but it’s effect was negated by Kenny’s Fog Blade. Rogers then tried to active Monster Reborn to Special Summon Kenny’s Dingirsu but Kenny negated and banished it with his Set Orcust Crescendo.

Kenny activated Galatea to send the Orcust Harp Horror in his Graveyard back to the Deck. Orcust Cymbal Skeleton’s effect Special Summoned Dingirsu from the Graveyard to a zone Rusty Bardiche pointed to which let Kenny destroy Rogers’s Magician’s Rod. Kenny’s monsters attacked to end the first Duel.

Duel 2

Rogers elected to go first. His starting hand was Quaking Mirror Force, Raigeki, 2 copies of Terraforming and Magician’s Rod. Terraforming added Secret Village of the Spellcasters which was activated. He then Normal Summoned Magician’s Rod which let him added Dark Magical Circle. He activated Dark Magical Circle and couldn’t add any of the top 3 cards to his hand. He Set Quaking Mirror Force and passed.

Kenny Normal Summoned Scrap Recycler and used the effect to send Jet Synchron from the Deck to the Graveyard. He then activated Danger!? Tsuchinoko? and Rogers hit Kenny’s his Orcust Knightmare letting Kenny Special Summon Danger!? Tsuchinoko? and draw a card. He used Scrap Recycler and Danger!? Tsuchinoko? to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix, whose effect let Kenny discard Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson to destroy Rogers’s Secret Village of the Spellcasters. Now free to activate Spell Cards, Kenny activated Twin Twisters, discarding another Orcust Knightmare to destroy Rogers’s Set Quaking Mirror Force and Dark Magical Circle. With the backrow clear, Kenny began his combo unimpeded: Kenny activated Orcust Knightmare from the Graveyard, banishing it to send Orcust Harp Horror from the Deck to the Graveyard, which was banished to Special Summon Orcust Cymbal Skeleton from the Deck. He used both monsters to Link Summon Galatea, the Orcust Automaton. He used Galatea’s effect, putting the other Orcust Knightmare from the Graveyard back to the Deck and Set Orcustrated Babel to the Field Zone which was immediately flipped-up. Kenny then activated Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! to add Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones from his Deck to his hand which was activated to Special Summon a Sky Striker Ace Token. He used both monsters to Link Summon The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche. He used Orcust Cymbal Skeleton’s effect, banishing it from the Graveyard to Special Summon Galatea from his Graveyard then used it to Xyz Summon Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star using Galatea as the Material. Both monsters used their effects, sending The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak to the Graveyard, setting The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine from the Deck to the Field, destroying Magician’s Rod and attaching a banished Orcust Cymbal Skeleton to Dingirsu. With no Trap Cards in the Graveyard, Kenny activated the newly Set The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine, then used The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak’s effect from the Graveyard, banishing it to add The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from his Deck to his hand which was Special Summoned. He then Special Summoned Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frission with his own effect reducing its Level by Shade Brigandine’s Level . He used Destrudo and Shade Brigandine to Synchro Summon Borreload Savage Dragon! Its effect equipped Knightmare Phoenix from the Graveyard and have it 2 Borrel Counters.  All of Kenny’s monsters attacked to end the match!

Robert Kenny takes the first Round in strong fashion!