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Home > 2019 Central America WCQ, Championships > Top Tables Update: Round 9

Top Tables Update: Round 9

June 9th, 2019

Let’s take a look at the Top Tables in Round 9 of the Central America WCQ!

Table 1: Alan Eduardo Ortega Hernandez (Danger! Orcust) vs. Marco Antoni Enriquez Garcia (Salamangreat)

Table 2: Alejandro Viveros Luis (Salamangreat) vs. Ricardo Ruiz Mendoza (Sky Striker)

Table 3: Luis Christian Villalpando Chavez (Crusadia Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Salvador Cruz del Sal (Salamangreat)

Table 4: Jose Andrei Parrales Chanona (Thunder Dragon) vs. Diego Enrique Hernandez Perez (Thunder Dragon)

Table 5: Jose Oscar Moya Coronado (Orcust) vs. Jesus Francisco Benitez Leyva (Salamangreat)

Table 6: Zadquiel Eduardo Mendoza Torres (Sky Striker) vs. Christopher Juarez Fraijo (Sky Striker)

Table 7: Aram Azel Arriaran Rodriguez (Sky Striker) vs. Jose Misael Valerio Mora (Salamangreat)

Table 8: Diego Eduardo Ballesteros Higareda (Subterror) vs. Juan Israel Galvez Vallejo (Salamangreat)

Table 9: Brandon Ossiel Aguilar Gonzalez (Salamangreat) vs. Julio Cesar Tlacomulco (Sky Striker)

Table 10: Arturo Hernandez Leon (Altergeist) vs. Daniel Ramirez Vasquez (Altergeist)

As we saw last Round, Salamangreat continues to be the most represented strategy with Sky Striker following close behind. There is still a diverse pool of Decks in the Top Tables, and with two more Rounds of Swiss including this, the pressure is on.