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Welcome to the Final Day of the 2019 North America WCQ!

June 23rd, 2019

Welcome to the final day of the 2019 North America WCQ! 256 Duelists have returned to continue competing in the North America WCQ. Those Duelists will play 3 Swiss Rounds followed by a Top 64 cut. Young Duelists competing in Dragon Duels returned today for a Top 32 cut, in which 5 single-elimination rounds will determine a winner!

The Duels today will be intense. For most of these Duelists, the stakes have never been higher. By the end of the day, we’ll know which Duelists and Dragon Duelists will be attending the World Championship in Berlin, Germany later this year.

Later today, there will also be a Live Duel between Nell Balaban and Wayne Grayson, the voice actors for Ishizu Ishtar and Joey Wheeler from the original animated Yu-Gi-Oh! series. You can watch this Live Duel, along with exciting Matches and commentary on this weekend’s event, over on the Live Stream.