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Home > 2019/06 - Knoxville, TN, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Knoxville: Top 8 Pairings and Decks

YCS Knoxville: Top 8 Pairings and Decks

June 2nd, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are facing off in the Top 8 of YCS Knoxville!

Table 1: Junior Dorcin (Sky Striker) vs. Dominic Couch (Orcust/Phantom Knight/Sky Striker/Trickstar)
Table 2: Gaetan Georges (Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Faisal Khan (Danger! Thunder Dragon)
Table 3: Jeff Jones (Orcust/Phantom Knight/Trickstar/Sky Striker) vs. Larry Musgrove (Salamangreat)
Table 4: Sebastian Sanchez (Danger! Thunder Dragon) vs. Jesse Kotton (Danger! Thunder Dragon)

All 4 of the main Deck types in the Top 32 are still in the Top 8: Orcust, Danger! Thunder Dragon, Sky Striker, and Salamangreat. But unsurprisingly, the number of each is dwindling as Duelists are eliminated from the tournament.

Danger! Thunder Dragon is now the most represented Deck left in the tournament with 4 Duelists piloting it into the Top 8. Two other Duelists in the Top 8 are piloting Orcust Decks, while 1 Sky Striker Duelist and 1 Salamangreat Duelist still remain in the tournament. Follow the coverage to see which Duelists and Decks make it into the Top 4!