UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: QQ – What’s Your Favorite Card in Battles of Legend: Hero’s Revenge?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! Battles of Legend: Hero’s Revenge was released July 12, and it has lots of cool cards in it! I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which card from Battles of Legend: Hero’s Revenge is their favorite. Check out their responses!
“PSY-Framelord Lambda.” -Dominic Couch
“Number 60: Dugares the Timeless. It does 3 broken things.” -Bobby Kenny
“PSY-Framelord Lambda.” -Jesse Kotton
“Borrelsword Dragon.” -Aaron Ottonsmann
“The Vision HERO support.” -Trent Smith
“Artifact Lancea.” -Jeremy Mitchell
“Vision HERO Faris.” -Robbie Kohl
“Salamangreat Almiraj.” -Doug Zeeff
“Artifact Lancea.” -Eddie Izquierdo
“Number 60: Dugares the Timeless.” -Matt Schomisch
“Will of the Salamangreat.” -Patrick Metayer
“Borrelsword Dragon.” -Franklin Behm
“PSY-Framelord Lambda.” -Alejandro Alvarado
There are lots of cool cards in Battles of Legend: Hero’s Revenge. PSY-Framelord Lambda appears to be the most popular, but multiple Duelists also selected Number 60: Dugares the Timeless, Borrelsword Dragon, and Artifact Lancea as their favorites. Follow the coverage to see which cards from Battles of Legend: Hero’s Revenge make it the furthest in the tournament!