Home > 2019/08- UDS Summer Invitational 2019 - Indianapolis, IN > UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: QQ – Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend?

UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: QQ – Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend?

August 17th, 2019

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The new Forbidden & Limited List that took effect on July 15th, 2019 forced Duelists to change their Decks and adjust to a new field of competitive Dueling. I surveyed the Duelists competing this weekend to see which Decks they’re using here at the UDS Invitational – Summer 2019. Check out their responses!

“Salamangreat, because Salamangreat Gazelle still gets the job done.” -Alejandro Alvarado

“60-card Machina Gizmek Orcust. It has a really high ceiling and I love Orcusts too much to drop them.” -Bobby Kenny

“Thunder Dragon Orcust. It’s consistent and powerful.” -Jesse Kotton

“Dino Guardragon because I like the c-c-combo.” -Trent Smith

“Magicians because I love it!” -Jeremy Mitchell

“Sky Striker. Playing a control Deck is fun.” -Robbie Kohl

“Altergeists, because Multifaker isn’t Forbidden.” -Doug Zeeff

“Salamangreats. I’m comfortable with it.” -Matt Schomisch

“Salamangreats. I know how to use it well and it does well against the other Decks.” -Patrick Metayer

“Combo Thunder Dragons. It has the highest ceiling.” -Dominic Couch

“Kozmo.” -Franklin Behm

Duelists are using Decks they like and Decks they’re comfortable with in this first big tournament under the new Forbidden & Limited List! Follow the coverage to see which Duelist wins and find out which Deck that Duelist pilots!