. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: Round 7 Top Tables Update
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UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: Round 7 Top Tables Update

August 17th, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top tables in Round 7 of the UDS Invitational – Summer 2019!

Table 1: Douglas Zeeff (Altergeist) vs. Mason Mattila (Sky Striker)
Table 2: Shawn Rai (Salamangreat) vs. Alex Mondlak (Cyber Dragon)
Table 3: Dominic Couch (Thunder Dragon Danger! Crusadia) vs. Aldo Garcia Ruiz (Pendulum Orcust)
Table 4: Jongwon Lee (Thunder Dragon) vs. Gabriel Vargas (Thunder Dragon)
Table 5: Thanh Nguyen (Tenyi Orcust) vs. Patrick Metayer (Salamangreat)
Table 6: Mohammed Faisal Khan (Danger! Thunder Dragon Crusadia) vs. Taylor Massey (Danger! Orcust Guardragon)
Table 7: Robert McNett (Tenyi Orcust) vs. Shovon Roy (Danger! Thunder Dragon Crusadia)
Table 8: Alfred Danklefsen (Danger! Thunder Dragon Crusadia) vs. Dylan Fricker (Sky Striker)
Table 9: Peter Kontominas (Sky Striker) vs. Nolan Ingle (World Chalice)
Table 10: Tyler Canty (Crusadia Kaiju) vs. Robert Riley (Witchcrafter)

We have lots of interesting Decks at the top 10 tables in Round 7, including Witchcrafters, Crusadia, Kaiju, and Decks featuring the Tenyi monsters from Rising Rampage! Follow the coverage to see which Decks remain at the top 10 tables!