UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: Round 9 Top Tables Update
Here are the Top Tables at Round 9!
Table 1: Shawn Rai (Salamangreat) vs. Dominic Couch (Thunder Dragon Danger! Crusadia)
Table 2: Jimmy Nguyen (Sky Striker) vs. Peter Kontominas (Sky Striker)
Table 3: Benjamin Deeter (Phantom Knight Orcust) vs. Jesse Kotton (Danger! Thunder Dragon Crusadia)
Table 4: Douglas Zeeff (Altergeist) vs. Gavin Andrews (Phantom Knight Orcust)
Table 5: Mason Mattila (Sky Striker) vs. Caulin Bradshaw (True Draco)
Table 6: Manav Dawar (Sky Striker) vs. Gabriel Vargas (True Draco)
Table 7: Marcus Carisse (Sky Striker) vs. Matthew McRae (Gouki Orcust)
Table 8: Aldo Garcia Ruiz (Pendulum Orcust) vs. Jongwon Lee (True Draco)
Table 9: Patrick Metayer (Salamangreat) vs. Alfred Danklefsen III (Danger! Thunder Dragon Crusadia)
Table 10: David Flores (True Draco) vs. Christopher Barwicki (Pendulum Magician)
Stay tuned for more updates from the UDS Invitational Summer 2019!