. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 32 Feature Match: Adrian Madriz Espinoza vs. Andres David Torres Reyes
Home > 2019/09 – Guadalajara, Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top 32 Feature Match: Adrian Madriz Espinoza vs. Andres David Torres Reyes

Top 32 Feature Match: Adrian Madriz Espinoza vs. Andres David Torres Reyes

September 29th, 2019

Welcome to the Top 32! It’s Single Elimination from here on out! And let me tell you, all of these 16 matches are worthy enough for a feature and picking just one of them was incredibly difficult. Even though we’ve already featured the 11th seed Adrian Madriz Espinoza from Guadalajara on Day 1, I also wanted to feature Andres David Torres Reyes, a UDS Champion and the winner of the 200th YCS in Mexico who placed 22nd after Swiss. Andres David Torres Reyes from Columbia has Danger! Thunder Dragon Orcust while Adrian Madriz Espinoza has Endymion Pendulum. Only one of these accomplished Duelists will make it to the Top 16. It’s time to Duel!’

Duel 1

Torres Reyes won the roll and elected to go first. He started by discarding Thunder Dragon to get two more from the Deck. He activated Allure of Darkness, drawing 2 cards and banishing World Legacy – “World Wand”. He activated another Allure of Darkness, drawing 2 more cards and banishing Danger! Bigfoot!. He Set 2 cards to the back and activated Danger!? Jackelope?. Madriz Espinoza hit cryptid whose effect Special Summoned Danger! Thunderbird from the Deck. He then activated the Set Monster Reborn to Special Summon Danger!? Jackelope? from the Graveyard. Both monsters turned into a Knightmare Phoenix and so begins the Standard Orcust Combo. He discarded Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair for Knightmare Mermaid’s effect. The field would have ended with a standard Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star and Galatea, the Orcust Automaton with a Set Orcust Crescendo but then Torres Reyes flipped the Set Orcustrated Return from earlier in the turn to send Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star to the Graveyard to draw 2 cards. This was not the Standard Orcust Combo! Gold Sarcophagus was next, and Torres Reyes banished Thunder Dragonroar from the Deck whose effect Special Summoned Thunder Dragondark from the Deck. Thunder Dragondark turned into a Thunder Dragon Colossus! Torres Reyes then discarded Thunder Dragonhawk to Special Summon Thunder Dragondark form the Graveyard. Torres Reyes then activated Danger! Mothman! with Madriz Espinoza hitting a Thunder Dragon. Torres Reyes then Special Summoned Chaos Dragon Levianeer banishing Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator, Danger Thunderbird and Danger!? Jackelope? from his Graveyard. He Tribute Set Thunder Dragon then Special Summoned Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair from his Graveyard. Torres Reyes then Tributed Chaos Dragon Levianeer for Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair’s effect to make Madriz Espinoza bottom-deck a card. He then used World Legacy – “World Wand”’s effect to Special Summon Orcust Cymbal Skeleton.

Madriz Espinoza activated Reflection of Endymion but Torres Reyes negated it with Orcust Crescendo. Madriz Espinoza then activated Into the Void, drawing a card. He then activated Servant of Endymion then activated Dragon Shrine to send Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm. The last card in his hand was Pot of Desires which he activated to draw 2 cards! Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm hopped out of the Graveyard then Madriz Espinoza activated Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic into the Pendulum Zone. Servant of Endymion’s effect Special Summoned itself from the Pendulum Zone and Mythical Beast Jackal King from the Deck giving each a Spell Counter. Servant and Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm went to the Extra Deck to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite. Its effect sent Chronograph Sorcerer form the Deck to the Extra Deck. Heavymetalfoes Electrumite destroyed Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic to add Chronograph Sorcerer back to his hand and draw a card. Servant and Chronograph Sorcerer were activated to the Pendulum Zones. Chrono’s effect destroyed itself to Special Summon Timegazer Magician from the Deck. Timegazer Magician, Mythical Beast Jackal King and Heavymetalfoes Electrumite were sent away to Link Summon Borreload Dragon! Madriz Espinoza then activated Magister of Endymion into the Pendulum Zone. Madriz Espinoza Pendulum Summoned Mythical Beast Jackal King from the Extra Deck. Borreload Dragon attacked into and took control of Thunder Dragon Colossus and Mythical Beast Jackal King attacked over Thunder Dragondark (whose effect couldn’t activate thanks to the stolen Thunder Dragon Colossus.)

Torres Reyes drew Batteryman Solar. Torres Reyes Flip Summoned Thunder Dragon. He sent it, Galatea, the Orcust Automaton and Orcust Cymbal Skeleton to Link Summon his own Borreload Dragon! In the Battle Phase, Torres Reyes’s Borreload attacked Madriz Espinoza’s and took control of it, then Torres Reyes attacked with the pilfered Borreload to steal Mythical Beast Jackal King. Jackal King then attacked over Thunder Dragon Colossus and Madriz Espinoza conceded, frustrated over an apparent misplay.

Duel 2

Madriz Espinoza elected to go first. He started with a Normal Summoned Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm whose effect added Supreme King Gate Zero from his Deck to his hand. Pot of Desires was next, banishing the top 10 cards to draw 2 more. Spell Power Mastery was next, adding Servant of Endymion from his Deck to his hand. Servant was activated, then Chronograph Sorcerer. Chronograph Sorcerer’s effect destroyed itself to Special Summon Timegazer Magician form the Deck. Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic was activated, then Secret Village of the Spellcasters was activated! Servant’s Pendulum Effect Special Summoned itself form the Pendulum Zone and Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic from the Deck giving each a Spell Counter. Servant and Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm were sent away to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite. Its effect sent Chronograph Sorcerer form the Deck to the Extra Deck. Reflection of Endymion was activated next. Madriz Espinoza then Pendulum Summoned Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm and Chronograph Sorcerer from the Extra Deck. Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm turned into a Guardragon Elpy then Heavymetalfoes Electrumite and Timegazer Magician were sent for Triple Burst Dragon. Guardragon Elpy’s effect Special Summoned Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm form the Deck, then Triple Burst Dragon and Darkwurm turned into Guardragon Agarpain. Agarpain’s effect Special Summoned Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, then Guardragon Elpy and Agarpain turned into Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres.

Torres Reyes Gave Madriz Espinoza a Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode by Tributing Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres, Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic and Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon! Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres’s effect Special Summoned Aether, the Evil Empowered Dragon from the Deck. Torres Reyes then Set a card and activated Danger!? Tsuchinoko? which Madriz Espinoza hit. Torres Reyes’s hand was now 3 cards, 2 copies of Chaos Dragon Levianeer and an Orcust Knightmare. Danger!? Tsuchinoko? attacked over Madriz Espinoza’s Defense Position Aether.

Madriz Espinoza Pendulum Summoned Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic from the Extra Deck and Supreme King Gate Zero from his hand. Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic attacked over Torres Reyes’s Danger!? Tsuchinoko? dropping Torres Reyes to 6500 LP. Then Chronograph Sorcerer attacked directly, leaving Torres Reyes at 4500 LP. Madriz Espinoza Set one to the back then sent Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic and Sphere Mode to Link Summon PSY-Framelord Lambda.

Torres Reyes drew and conceded and we’re going to a third Duel!

Duel 3

Torres Reyes elected to go first. He activated Foolish Burial to send Thunder Dragondark from his Deck to the Graveyard. Thunder Dragonhawk was discarded to Special Summon the Thunder Dragondark. Dark turned into Thunder Dragon Colossus. Dark’s effect let Torres Reyes add Thunder Dragonroar from his Deck to his hand. Allure of Darkness was next, letting Torres Reyes draw 2 cards and banish Thunder Dragonroar. Roar’s effect let Torres Reyes Special Summon Thunder Dragon from the Deck. The Melody of Awakening Dragon was next, discarding Orcust Crescendo to add Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair and Chaos Dragon Levianeer from his Deck to his hand. Thunder Dragon Colossus and Thunder Dragon were sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix and the orcust Combo was on… except after the first Galatea, Torres Reyes activated Thunder Dragon Fusion sending back Thunder Dragon and Thunder Dragonhawk to Fusion Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus to the zone Galatea was pointing to. He then continued the combo from there. After Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star was Summoned, Torres Reyes activated Orcustrated Return, sending it away to draw 2 cards. Chaos Dragon Levianeer was next, banishing Thunder Dragon Colossus, Galatea, the Orcust Automaton and Thunder Dragondark. Torres Reyes activated Chaos Dragon Levianeer’s effect and Madriz Espinoza chained Nibiru, the Primal Being! Chaos Dragon Levianeers effect resolved, knocking a card from Madriz Espinoza’s hand back to the Deck, Nibiru, the Primal Being was Special Summoned with a 7200 ATK Token going to Torres Reyes’s field. Torres Reyes was able to use Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair effect to Special Summon itself from the Graveyard because monsters were Tributed.  He Set Full Force Virus and passed.

Torres Reyes activated Full Force Virus on the Draw Phase, hitting 3 monsters from Madriz Espinoza’s hand, leaving him with just Dragon Shrine. Madriz Espinoza extended the handshake!

A clutch Full Force Virus seals the win for Andres David Torres Reyes who moves on to the Top 16!