. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 3 Feature Match: Erick Laurentino Ramirez Rodriguez vs. Guillermo Benjamin Morales Ramirez
Home > 2019/09 – Guadalajara, Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 3 Feature Match: Erick Laurentino Ramirez Rodriguez vs. Guillermo Benjamin Morales Ramirez

Round 3 Feature Match: Erick Laurentino Ramirez Rodriguez vs. Guillermo Benjamin Morales Ramirez

September 28th, 2019

Welcome to Round 3!  We’re at Table 49 for this Round featuring a previous Mexican National Champion!  Erick Laurentino Ramirez Rodriguez from right here in Guadalajara, Mexico won the 2016 Mexican National Championship with Madolche!  He has Magical Musketeer with him this weekend and he’s taking on Guillermo Benjamin Morales Ramirez from Mexico City with Cyber Dragon Orcust.   These Duelists know each other, and this should be an exciting match!  It’s time to Duel!

Duel 1

Morales Ramirez won the roll and elected to go first.  He started off with Cyber Emergency adding Cyber Dragon Core from his Deck to his hand.  He Normal Summoned Core and used its effect to add Cyber Repair Plant from his Deck to his hand.  Core was sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Salamangreat Almiraj.  Morales Ramirez then activated Cyber Revsystem to Special Summon Core from the Graveyard.  He then used Salamangreat Almiraj and Core to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus, and the Orcust combo was on!  His field ended with Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star, and Galatea, the Orcust Automaton with a Set Orcust Crescendo and a Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher in the Graveyard.

Ramirez Rodriguez activated Mind Control to take Morales Ramirez’s Galatea, the Orcust Automaton.  Morales Ramirez was forced to negate it with Orcust Crescendo.  Ramirez Rodriguez played Instant Fusion next, paying 1000 LP to bring out Thousand-Eyes Restrict Thousand-Eyes Restrict’s effect absorbed Morales Ramirez’s Galatea.   Thousand-Eyes Restrict went to the Graveyard to Link Summon Linkuriboh!  He Set a Magical Musket – Fiendish Deal and passed.  In the End Phase, Morales Ramirez brought Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher out form the Graveyard, banishing the top 8 cards to do so.

Morales Ramirez Normal Summoned Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and used it and Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix.  He activated its effect, discarding Cyber Dragon and Ramirez Rodriguez chained Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay.   Phoenix destroyed Ramirez Rodriguez’s Set Magical Musket – Fiendish Deal.  Fiendish Deal’s effect let Ramirez Rodriguez add Magical Musket – Cross-Domination from his Deck to his hand.  Morales Ramirez used Gizmek’s effect to destroy Ramirez Rodriguez’s Linkuriboh. Next, he activated Orcust Cymbal Skeleton’s Graveyard effect, banishing it to Special Summon Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star from the Graveyard.  Its effect attached a banished Orcust as a material.  All of Morales Ramirez’s monsters attacked directly, leaving Ramirez Rodriguez at just 50 LP!  In Main Phase 2, Morales Ramirez Set a card and passed.

Ramirez Rodriguez drew Super Polymerization!  Let’s see if he can turn this around.  He activated it, discarding Magical Musket – Desperado, fusing Morales Ramirez’s Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher and Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star to Fusion Summon Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!  But the writing was already on the wall.  Without a way to deal with the Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher on the next turn, Morales Ramirez could bring it back during Ramirez Rodriguez’s turn, use its effect to clear Starving Venom Fusion Dragon on Morales Ramirez’s turn and Summon literally any monster in his Deck to reduce Ramirez Rodriguez’s LP to zero.  Ramirez Rodriguez had no way to stop this so he opted to concede.

Duel 2

Ramirez Rodriguez elected to go second.  Morales Ramirez started off with Cyber Dragon Core and using its effect to add Cyber Repair Plant from his Deck to his hand.  Core went to the Graveyard to Link Summon Salamangreat AlmirajCyber Repair Plant was next, adding Galaxy Soldier from his Deck to his hand.  Galaxy Soldier was Special Summoned by discarding Cyber Dragon Herz and both monster effect let Morales Ramirez add Cyber Dragon and another Galaxy Soldier from his Deck to his hand.  The second Galaxy Soldier discarded Cyber Dragon to Special Summon itself, then both Soldiers were stacked to Xyz Summon Cyber Dragon Nova whose effect brought back a Cyber Dragon from the Graveyard.  Cyber Drgaon Infinity went on top of Nova.  Cyber Dragon and Salamangreat Almiraj were used to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus and the Orcust combo was on once again.  The field ended with Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star, a Galatea, the Orcust Automaton, a Cyber Dragon Infinity, a Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon, an unknown Set card and a Set Orcust Crescendo Set by Galatea’s effect.

Ramirez Rodriguez Special Summoned Dinowrestler Pankratops – the only monster in his hand – and attacked over Cyber Dragon Infinity for 100 damage.  In Main Phase 2, Ramirez Rodriguez tried to use Dinowrestler Pankratops’s effect on Galatea but Morales Ramirez negated it with Orcust Crescendo, banishing the Dinosaur.  Ramirez Rodriguez then activated Pot of Desires, banishing the top 10 cards to draw 2 more.  He Normal Summoned Magical Musketeer Doc.  He then activated Instant Fusion, paying 1000 LP to Special Summon Thousand-Eyes Restrict.  Morales Ramirez activated the unknown Set card, Cybernetic Overflow!  Ramirez Rodriguez chained Magical Musket – Dancing Needle, then chained Magical Musket – Desperado.  He banished Morales Ramirez’s Orcust Crescendo, Orcust Cymbal Skeleton and Cyber Dragon Core from the Graveyard.  Cybernetic Overflow’s effect let Morales Ramirez banish Cyber Dragon and Cyber Dragon Herz from his Graveyard to destroy Ramirez Rodriguez’s Thousand-Eyes Restrict and Magical Musketeer Doc.

Morales Ramirez drew to one card in hand.  He attacked with Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon for 2400, leaving Ramirez Rodriguez at 4600 LP.

Ramirez Rodriguez Normal Summoned Magical Musketeer Kidbrave.  He then activated Mind Control behind Kidbrave to take control of Morales Ramirez’s Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon.  He used Kidbrave’s effect, discarding Magical Musket – Cross-Domination to draw 2 cards.  Both monsters were used to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix.  It attacked directly for 1900, leaving Morales Ramirez at 6000 LP.

Morales Ramirez activated Danger! Nessie!, with Ramirez Rodriguez hitting Danger!? Jackelope?Danger! Nessie! hit the field and Danger!? Jackelope?’s effect couldn’t be used since there were no other Dangers left in the Deck that weren’t Danger!? Jackelope?.

Ramirez Rodriguez Normal Summoned another Kidbrave and used Knightmare Phoenix and Kidbrave to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn.  He discarded Magical Musketeer Caspar to spin Danger! Nessie! back to the Deck.  Unicorn attacked directly for 2200, leaving Morales Ramirez at 3800 LP.

Morales Ramirez Special Summon Cyber Dragon and used it and Ramirez Rodriguez’s Knightmare Unicorn to Special Summon Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon!  He then Normal Summoned Danger!? Jackelope? and attacked with both monsters to drop Ramirez Rodriguez to 1700 LP.

Ramirez Rodriguez Normal Summoned Magical Musketeer Doc.  He activated Magical Musket – Desperado to destroy Morales Ramirez’s Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon.  Doc’s ability let Ramirez Rodriguez add Magical Musket – Cross-Domination from his Deck to his hand.  Magical Musketeer Doc destroyed Danger!? Jackelope? by battle.

Morales Ramirez drew and passed.

Ramirez Rodriguez attacked directly with Doc, leaving Morales Ramirez at 1400 LP.

Morales Ramirez Normal Summoned Orcust Harp Horror and tried to attack Doc but Ramirez Rodriguez activated Magical Musket – Cross-Domination from his hand to destroy Orcust Harp Horror and Morales Ramirez conceded the game with only minutes left in the round.

Duel 3

Morales Ramirez elected to go second.  Ramirez Rodriguez started with a Normal Summoned Magical Musketeer Kidbrave.

Morales Ramirez activated Danger!? Jackelope?.  Ramirez Rodriguez hit Monster RebornDanger!? Jackelope? hit the field and Morales Ramirez drew a card.  Morales Ramirez Normal Summoned Cyber Dragon Core and used its effect to add Cyber Repair Plant from his Deck to his hand.  Machine Duplication was next but Ramirez Rodriguez negated it by activating Magical Musket – Last Stand from his hand.  And it truly was the last stand because time was called and neither player had a way to change Life Points, so the Duel ended in a Draw, and because the game score was 1-1, the match was a draw.