Welcome To YCS Guadalajara, Mexico!
Welcome to Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico! We’re just one week removed from YCS’s in Niagara Falls, Canada and Ghent, Belgium where Danger! Lunalight Orcust made the finals of both tournaments, with the Deck taking the win in Ghent while taking second place in Niagara Falls. With such a strong showing last weekend we’re sure to see the Deck in bigger numbers this weekend!
But Danger! Lunalight Orcust wasn’t the only story from last week. The combination of Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher and Gren Maju Da Eiza took 2nd place at YCS Portland and 1st place at YCS Niagara, and that is sure to shape decision making for Duelists in this tournament and in the coming weeks as YCS Ft. Worth next week! We’ll likely see tournament mainstays like Sky Striker, Salamangreat and Orcust, but Decks like Cyber Dragon and Thunder Dragon were still well represented in previous tournaments so this format is still anyone’s game!
We have 788 Duelists here this weekend but only one will claim the title of YCS Champion. Welcome to YCS Guadalajara!