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QQ: Which Tech Cards Are You Using?

October 5th, 2019

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The most successful Duelists are usually the ones using special “tech” cards that set them apart from the competition. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which “tech” cards they’re using to gain the edge in the tournament. Check out their responses!

Brian Rayos uses Orcustrated Return to draw other tech cards like D.D. Crow.

Orcustrated Return. Unlike other players who are playing Orcust Decks, instead of Setting Orcust Crescendo, I Set Return, because I Main Deck 16 ‘hand traps’. Orcustrated Return draws me into my defensive cards. I also Main Deck 3 copies of D.D. Crow to combat any Orcust variant I play against, especially Lunalight.” -Brian Rayos

Creighton Pree surprises his opponents with his 3 Main Decked copies of Ninbiru.

“I Main Deck 3 Ninbiru, the Primal Being for combo Decks like Orcust, Pendulums, and Guardragons. It’s something no one plays around in game 1.” -Creighton Pree

Jeremy Cummins uses the Link 2 Fire Fighting Daruma Doll to clear his opponent’s back row.

“I’m using Fire Fighting Daruma Doll in my Lunalight Orcust Extra Deck to destroy my Lunalight Tiger or Fire Formation – Tenki and clear my opponent’s back row.” -Jeremy Cummins

Victoria Bulmer uses Tenyi Spirit – Vishuda in her Orcust Deck to help clear her opponent’s field.

Tenyi Spirit – Vishuda. I play Orcust. I can Special Summon Vishuda to your field and Link it away to Summon Monk of the Tenyi. I always go second, so I can banish Vishuda from my Graveyard to get any card off of my opponent’s field.” -Victoria Bulmer

Ed Acepcion uses Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker to disrupt his opponent’s strategies and steal the win against Decks using Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher.

Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker. I use it to look at my opponent’s Extra Deck to know what board to make. Against any Deck with Gizmek or Pot of Desires, I can use its effect to Deck my opponent out. I’ve done it twice this weekend.” -Ed Acepcion

Charlie Kip added 3 cards to his Salamangreat Deck to help him deal 8000 points of damage in a turn.

“I use Clock Spartoi, Cynet Fusion, and Clock Lizard in my Salamangreat Deck. It lets me deal 8000 damage when used with Salamangreat Violet Chimera.” -Charlie Kip

Follow the coverage to see which tech cards are in this weekend’s winning Decks!