. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS Ft. Worth: Champion Interview with Ramiro Garcia
Home > 2019/10 - Ft. Worth, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Ft. Worth: Champion Interview with Ramiro Garcia

YCS Ft. Worth: Champion Interview with Ramiro Garcia

October 6th, 2019

We’re with Dallas Duelist Ramiro Garcia, who just won YCS Ft. Worth! Just last week he also won YCS Guadalajara – an incredible feat!

Since he just won two YCS events in two weeks, the big question is: How’s he feeling? “Really good, really good, yeah. I was joking about, I would like to go back to back, but there haven’t been that many [Duelists] that have done it. I finished undefeated after Day 1; I was like, hopefully I can go undefeated and win in my home town.”

Ramiro Garcia is the champion of YCS Ft. Worth!

I noted that he’s using the same Deck as last week, and asked why he chose it. “It’s the Deck I’ve been playing for the past month and a half. I went to two Regional Qualifiers, Niagra Falls, Mexico, here, so I’ve been playing every weekend. It plays around a lot of stuff, obviously making Azathot, shrugging off hand traps. Over half the field was Orcust, so making Abyss Dweller is really strong. It’s also so explosive, you can play through so much and still have cards in hand.”

What changes did he make from last week? “My Side Deck. My Main and Extra were exactly the same.” He said he’d removed three Cyber Dragon Nachster, a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, and an Abyss Dweller; he replaced them with three Gnomaterial and two Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay.

We talked about how he keeps his Dueling skills up. “There’s a funny story. My first premier top was 2016, YCS Houston. Lost in top 8 there. Ever since then I’ve gone to every event in North America I could. For basically three and a half years I didn’t make top cut at all.” However, for the past few months, he said he’s been playing Yu-Gi-Oh! whenever he could.

Three and a half years of not making top cut might discourage some Duelists. What was it that made Ramiro want to keep coming to tournaments? “Probably all the people I’ve met. Some of my best friends are because of this game. And I really do enjoy it when both people get to play the game, it’s really fun. I wish I could do this forever,” he laughed. “It’s pretty nice.”

Thank you Ramiro, and congratulations again on your second YCS victory!