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YCS Ft. Worth: Event Wrap-Up

October 6th, 2019

Two intense days of Dueling have finally come to a close, and we have a new(ish) YCS Champion! Ramiro Garcia isn’t exactly a new champ – he just won YCS Guadalajara last weekend! This time, he finished with a 16-0 record, triumphing over 1345 other Duelists with his Lunalight Orcust Deck.

This event helped solidify the Orcust vs. Sky Striker format. Those two strategies were the most represented in the Top 32, with about a dozen of each. Most of the Sky Striker Decks were similar overall, but the same could not be said about the Orcust Decks. Since the Orcust engine is rather small, it can be customized to fit with a variety of other cards. We saw pure Orcust as well as Cyber Dragon, Lunalight, Crusadia, and Gouki builds in Day 2.

That said, there was still a large number of other strategies present in the Top 32. Thunder Dragons, Salamangreats, Altergeists, True Draco, and Mekk-Knights were all present. There’s a lot of room for unique Decks if you’ve got skill and a little luck!

The final event with the current card pool will be the UDS Invitational in Panama, coming in two weeks. After that, Chaos Impact hits and brings new cards including Gladiator Beasts, Marincesses, and Salamangreats. The first Duelists to use the new cards will be those participating in the Team YCS in Lima, Peru, followed by those at YCS Pasadena, CA – the final YCS of the year.

Thanks for following along with the YCS Ft. Worth coverage! We’ll see you at the next event!