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YCS Ft. Worth: Pro-Talk with Max Reynolds

October 5th, 2019

We’re with Max Reynolds, from Milwaukee, WI, talking about his life as a Duelist.

Max is an accomplished Duelist who we’ve seen with a lot of success over the years. He’s made the top cut of 9 YCS events and 2 WCQ events. His best performance was a 3rd place finish at YCS Seattle in 2017.

So what makes Max so successful?

“I think I put in a lot of time. You have to work harder than everyone else. I try to look for new ways to win rather than what everyone uses. If you just copy what wins, you have to get lucky. Your Deck has no edge. Something new or something old, but to fit in the current environment.”

“I try to look for new ways to win rather than what everyone uses. If you just copy what wins, you have to get lucky. Your Deck has no edge.” -Max Reynolds

He also commented on remaining successful. “Once you’re successful it’s easier to remain successful. You’re used to it, so it’s easier to cope with high pressure situations.”

When it comes to testing, here’s his advice: “Test with people who are as good as you or on your par. I surround myself with a lot of really smart people.”

I asked Max what he’s playing this weekend and why he chose that Deck.

“Lunalight Orcust. I felt like it has the most unfair interactions because it can play through Nibiru, the Primal Being (it just makes Outer Entity Azathot). Also it uses the Orcust engine which is very free advantage for nothing; even if you were to draw a subpar hand you can make something. Also it makes Abyss Dweller which is very well positioned right now.”

Sometimes, traveling with a group makes it easier for Duelists to attend a lot of YCS events in a short period of time. I asked Reynolds who he travels with to events.

“Jeff Jones, but lately it’s been Jesse Kotton, Esala [Wathuthantrige], and Nishaad Lorengo. Also I play with my local area friends and they help me a lot. They’re always down to help me practice.”

What keeps him coming back?

“My friends, honestly. I think that one of the biggest reasons I love Yu-Gi-Oh! is all the friends I’ve made. Traveling to places I’ve been or new ones. Portland was new. It’s nice talking to new people as well, most of the people are really pleasant. The guy I just lost to was really nice [laughs]. Also, new food!”

Max Reynolds offered a lot of insight to what it takes to be a successful Duelist! Follow the coverage this weekend for more Pro-Talk interviews.