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YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 10

October 6th, 2019

Here are the top Duelists and Decks as we begin Day 2 of YCS Ft. Worth!

Table 1: Matthew Keith Breeze (Salamangreat) vs. Michael Zhao Li (Salamangreat)

Table 2: Patrick Owen James (Altergeist) vs. Blair Alexander Hunter (Orcust Cyber Dragon)

Table 3: Raphael Pelaja Neven (Orcust) vs. Jaouad Rahmani (Salamangreat)

Table 4: Ryan Fletcher (Burning Abyss) vs. Denis Nadas (Orcust)

Table 5: James Rego Park Chow (Orcust) vs. Kevin Rodrigues Goncalves (Gem-Knight FTK)

Table 6: Tyler Bishop Collier (Pendulum Magician) vs. Mark Randall Myatt (Sky Striker)

Table 7: Brady Andrew Shields (Crusadia Orcust) vs. Dalton Taylor Johnson (Orcust Cyber Dragon)

Table 8: Donnell Dion Washington Jr. (Orcust) vs. Guillermo Jose Ramon Mendez Quiles (Thunder Dragon)

Table 9: Christopher Peyton Hood (Sky Striker) vs. Griffin Patrick Phillippi (Sky Striker)

Table 10: Anthony Levon King (Lunalight Orcust) vs. Dablessin Jaquise Wilson (Salamangreat)

Starting the day, we have:

4 Orcust
4 Salamangreat
3 Sky Striker
2 Orcust Cyber Dragon
1 Burning Abyss
1 Gem-Knight FTK
1 Pendulum Magician
1 Thunder Dragon
1 Crusadia Orcust
1 Lunalight Orcust
1 Altergeist

That’s quite the spread, but how will this compare when we cut to the Top 32? We’ll find out soon enough!