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Home > 2019/10 - Ft. Worth, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 5

YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 5

October 5th, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in Round 5 of YCS Ft. Worth!

Table 1: Stephen Silverman (True Draco) vs. Dalton Johnson (Orcust Cyber Dragon)
Table 2: Brady Shields (Orcust DARK Warrior) vs. Hassan El Ghalbzouri (Lunalight Orcust)
Table 3: Benjamin Deeter (Orcust Crusadia) vs. Hector Orellana (Trickstar Danger! Orcust)
Table 4: Nathaniel Jadotte (Salamangreat) vs. Nishaad Lorengo (Salamangreat)
Table 5: Donnell Washington (Orcust) vs. Dayjion Sices (Orcust Cyber Dragon)
Table 6: Clifton Land (Sky Striker) vs. James McGivney (Orcust Cyber Dragon)
Table 7: Matthew Breeze (Salamangreat) vs. Griffin Philippi (Sky Striker)
Table 8: Dablessin Wilson (Salamangreat) vs. Langston Cooks (Pendulum Magicians)
Table 9: Ryan Gaskins (Dinosaurs) vs. Mario Catalan (Salamangreat)
Table 10: Joseph Linch (Sky Striker Orcust) vs. Alexander Cancell (Orcust)

There are lots of different Decks at the top 10 tables, including a True Draco and Orcust Cyber Dragon Deck at Table 1! Orcust variants appear to dominate the top 10 tables at this point in the tournament, but Salamangreat Decks and Sky Striker Decks also have a substantial presence. The lone Dinosaur and Pendulum Magician Deck is also an interesting addition to the top 10 tables. Follow the coverage to see which Duelists and Decks continue to make it into the top 10 tables in future rounds of YCS Ft. Worth!