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Home > 2019/10 - Ft. Worth, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 7

YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 7

October 5th, 2019

Check out the Duelists and Decks in the top 10 tables in Round 7 of YCS Ft. Worth!

Table 1: Michael Ryan Barnett (Sky Striker) vs. Raphael Pelaja Neven (Orcust)
Table 2: Donnel Dion Washington Jr. (Orcust) vs. Matthew Jesse McRae (Sky Striker Orcust DARK Warrior)
Table 3: Dablessin Jaquise Wilson (Salamangreat) vs. Dalton Taylor Johnson (Orcust Cyber Dragon)
Table 4: Esala Sammidha de Alwis Wathuthantrige (Salamangreat) vs. Denis Nadas (Orcust)
Table 5: Blair Alexander Hunter (Orcust Cyber Dragon) vs. Orion Christian Gonzales (Lunalight Orcust)
Table 6: Junior Dorcin (Sky Striker) vs. Clifton Scott Land II (Sky Striker)
Table 7: Tien Thomas Quang Pham (Sky Striker) vs. Caulin David Bradshaw (Orcust Cyber Dragon)
Table 8: Matthew Keith Breeze (Salamangreat) vs. Omar David Castro (Lunalight Orcust)
Table 9: Carlos Alfredo Alonso (Sky Striker) vs. Joshua Aaron Jones (Sky Striker)
Table 10: Ryan Thomas Gaskins (Lost World Dinosaurs) vs. Nigel Ethan Lamb (Sky Striker)

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