. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 8
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YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 8

October 5th, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in Round 8!

Table 1: Angel Ascencio (Orcust DARK Warrior) vs. Dablessin Wilson (Salamangreat)
Table 2: Blair Hunter (Orcust Cyber Dragon) vs. Michael Barnett (Sky Strikers)
Table 3: Eric Burgos (Altergeist) vs. Matthew McRae (Sky Striker Orcust DARK Warrior)
Table 4: Clifton Land (Sky Striker) vs. Matthew Breeze (Salamangreat)
Table 5: Tien Pham (Sky Striker) vs. Nigel Lamb (Sky Striker)
Table 6: Donnell Washington (Orcust) vs. Carlos Alonso (Sky Striker)
Table 7: Scott Sheahan (Gren Maju) vs. Patrick James (Altergeist)
Table 8: Dakota Angeloff (Sky Striker) vs. Richard Quach (Subterror)
Table 9: Nicolas Ortiz (Sky Striker) vs. Ryan Fletcher (Burning Abyss)
Table 10: Matthew Kirkland (Cyber Dragon Orcust) vs. Orion Gonzalez (Lunalight Orcust)

There are lots of Orcust variants and Sky Striker Decks in the top 10 tables, and a couple of other cool Decks including a Burning Abyss Deck, a Gren Maju Deck, and a Subterror Deck. Salamangreat Decks and Altergeist Decks also made it to the top 10 tables in this final round, with more than 1 Duelist at the top 10 tables using each of these 2 Decks.

Follow the coverage to see which Decks are at the top 10 tables tomorrow!