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YCS Ft. Worth Top Tables Update: Round 9

October 5th, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in this final Swiss Round – Round 9 – of YCS Ft. Worth!

Table 1: Dablessin Wilson (Salamangreat) vs. Nigel Lamb (Sky Striker)
Table 2: Matthew Breeze (Salamangreat) vs. Matthew McRae (Sky Striker Orcust DARK Warrior)
Table 3: Angel Ascencio (Orcust DARK Warrior) vs. Raphael Neven (Orcust)
Table 4: James McGivney (Orcust Cyber Dragon) vs. Jaouad Rahmani (Salamangreat)
Table 5: Dominic Couch (Lunalight Orcust) vs. Guillermo Mendez Quiles (Thunder Dragon)
Table 6: Charles Kip (Salamangreat) vs. Mark Myatt (Sky Striker)
Table 7: Ryan Fletcher (Burning Abyss) vs. Michael Barnett (Sky Striker)
Table 8: Matthew Kirkland (Cyber Dragon Orcust) vs. Kevin Rodriguez Goncalves (Gem-Knight)
Table 9: Patrick James (Altergeist) vs. Mario Catalan (Salamangreat)
Table 10: Esala Wathuthantrige (Salamangreat) vs. Dalton Johnson (Orcust Cyber Dragon)

There are 7 Orcust variants and 6 Salamangreat Decks in the top 10 tables. Combined, these two Decks make up the majority of the Decks in these top 10 tables. But there’s also a bunch of Sky Striker Decks, an Altergeist Deck, a Burning Abyss Deck, a Thunder Dragon Deck, and a Gem-Knight Deck appearing in the top 10 tables.

There are lots of different Decks that have proven their strength in the current Advanced Format, but only one of them can win. Follow the coverage to see which Deck will take the tournament!