Three More YCS Events Are Announced!
You probably already know about the UDS Invitational in Tulsa, OK from February 14th-16th, and you most likely know about the Team YCS in Las Vegas on February 22nd and 23rd. You might even know about the 225th YCS in Rio de Janeiro on March 14th and 15th. But are you ready to find out the location and dates of the following three North American YCS events?
In addition to the events listed above, three more events were just announced! Here they are:
1.) YCS Charlotte, NC (March 28th and 29th)
2.) YCS Hartford, CT (April 18th and 19th)
3.) YCS Pasadena, CA (May 23rd and 24th)
Duelists attending YCS Pasadena this weekend were the first to hear about them!
These events aren’t yet listed on the events page, but will be added some time soon.