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Home > 2019/11 - Pasadena, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Pasadena Top Tables Update: Round 10

YCS Pasadena Top Tables Update: Round 10

November 24th, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in round 10!

Table 1: Cristian Urena (Sky Striker Orcust) vs. Daniel Ramirez Medina (Salamangreat)
Table 2: Steven Gongora (Thunder Dragon) vs. Creighton Pree (Orcust)
Table 3: Thomas Rogge (Orcust) vs. Walter Jule (Salamangreat)
Table 4: Dakota Angeloff (Sky Striker True Draco) vs. Shawn Rai (Orcust)
Table 5: Jarred Randolph (Dinosaur) vs. Ryan Levine (Orcust)
Table 6: Hunter Lloyd (Danger Lunalight Orcust) vs. Noah Beygelman (Pendulum Magician)
Table 7: Andy Hernandez (Sky Striker) vs. Jeremy Mitchell (Pendulum Magician)
Table 8: Blair Hunter (Cyber Dragon Orcust) vs. Ryan May (Thunder Dragon)
Table 9: Cody Campbell (Orcust) vs. Erick Gomez (Sky Striker)
Table 10: Galo Orbea Davila (Orcust) vs. Carl Manigat (Sky Striker)

We have Sky Strikers, Orcusts, Thunder Dragons, Salamangreats, True Dracos, Dangers, Lunalights, Pendulums, and Cyber Dragons all at the top 10 tables in Round 10! Follow the coverage to see which Decks stay in the top 10 tables in Round 11, and which ones ultimately make the Top 32 cut!