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Home > 2019/11 - Pasadena, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Pasadena Top Tables Update: Round 9

YCS Pasadena Top Tables Update: Round 9

November 23rd, 2019

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in the final Swiss Round of Day 1!

Table 1: Fortino Cabrales (Sky Striker) vs. Oscar Velez (Salamangreat)
Table 2: Daniel Ramirez Medina (Salamangreat) vs. Richard Quach (Subterror)
Table 3: Cristian Urena (Sky Striker Orcust) vs. Leroy Onuoha (Salamangreat)
Table 4: Nico Watson (Altergeist) vs. Noah Beygelman (Pendulum Magician)
Table 5: Mitchell Martin (Pendulum Magician) vs. Hunter Lloyd (Danger Lunalight Orcust)
Table 6: Dakota Angeloff (True Draco Sky Striker) vs. Zachary Olguin (Pendulum Magician)
Table 7: Kyle Crofoot (Salamangreat) vs. Ryan Levine (Orcust)
Table 8: Blair Hunter (Cyber Dragon Orcust) vs. Shunping Xu (Sky Striker)
Table 9: Dominic Couch (Orcust) vs. Ryan May (Thunder Dragon)
Table 10: Thomas Rogge (Orcust) vs. Eyermen De los Santos Soriano (Altergeist)

There are lots of different Decks at the top 10 tables in today’s final Swiss Round. Follow the coverage tomorrow to see which of them make it into the Top Cut!