. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: How Do You Feel About TEAM YCS Last Vegas?
Home > 2020/02 - Las Vegas, NV, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: How Do You Feel About TEAM YCS Last Vegas?

QQ: How Do You Feel About TEAM YCS Last Vegas?

February 22nd, 2020

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Most Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME tournaments involve Dueling independently against one opponent and trying to best that opponent in a game of skill and strategy. But this weekend’s Team YCS required Duelists to form teams of three before engaging in the competition. I surveyed the competitors to see how they feel about the change in format for this weekend’s event. Check out their responses!

Mitchell Martin

“I think that the team aspect of the YCS brings a lot of different factors into the game. You can win, but if both of your teammates lose, you lose the Match. This means that not only you have to be prepared for the event, but your teammates do too. I really like how you can openly talk with your teammates, which gives a different aspect if you don’t see a play and your teammate sees it. All in all, it’s a very cool event and I’m glad they had it in Vegas. It’s a great city to host a team event in, since you want to be there with your friends. I hope my team and I do well today.” -Mitchell Martin

Dominic Couch

“I like standard YCS events more, but this one is very special because you get to play with your friends. But I like when I don’t have to rely on two others to win. At a standard YCS, I can just focus on my one Match. Playing one Match is hard enough.” -Dominic Couch

Alexander Juneja

“I think it’s good for the game in the sense that it rewards camaraderie. Yu-Gi-Oh! is normally a 2-player game, but having to add friends and teammates into the mix really enhances the game and adds a new dynamic that makes it significantly more interesting in my opinion.” -Alexander Juneja

Overall, players look like they’re having a blast competing alongside friends in Team YCS Las Vegas! You can follow the action live right here on the coverage blog or over on the Live Stream.