. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: What’s your tech card this weekend?

QQ: What’s your tech card this weekend?

February 16th, 2020

QQ stands for Quick Questions!  Tech cards are the picks that Duelists include in their Deck that are meant to separate their Decks from standard builds.  Well-chosen tech cards can give a Duelist an advantage over an unprepared opponent.  We asked the Duelists in attendance what their tech card is this weekend.”

“Droll & Lock Bird” – David Yao

“El Shaddoll Winda” – Jesse Kotton

Scrap Wyvern” – Dominic Couch

“Main Deck Nibiru, the Primal Being and Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay” – Billy Brake

Onomatopickup” – Michael Campos

Appointer of the Red Lotus” – Doug Zeeff

Stay tuned for more coverage from the UDS Invitational – Winter 2020!