Team Talk: Team “Slifer Slacker”
Now in the Top 8 is team Slifer Slacker! This team consists of Bohdan Temnyk, Nishaad Lorengo, and Ryan Levine. They’re among the most talented Duelists in the tournament, and as a team they’re a fearsome trio.
They went with the name of Slifer Slacker because Lorengo and Levine thought Yu-Gi-Oh! GX was the best arc of the anime, and they said Temnyk didn’t care.
So what Decks are these Duelists playing? Originally, they were all going to use the same strategy: Shaddoll Invoked. However, after last week’s UDS event, Temnyk didn’t feel comfortable with it. He said he’s more of a combo player, so he went with Scrap SPYRAL for a more explosive Deck. He also felt better with the option of Borrelsword Dragon or Anti-Spell Fragrance on the first turn against those Decks, rather than trying to play out a Shaddoll mirror match.
Lorengo was initially using SPYRALS, but felt it was too inconsistent for him. Shaddoll Invoked was more consistent, and particularly of note was that it was a better Deck going second. You can use Shaddoll Fusion or Super Polymerization going second and pick apart your opponent’s board. On top of that, he noted that El Shaddoll Winda is just incredibly good.
Levine shared the same sentiments as Lorengo, and noted that in particular they’re playing Paleozoic Dinomischus and Cosmic Cyclone in their Main and Side Deck as outs to Mystic Mine. He also noted that he thought there was a trend of players putting their weaker Decks as Player C, which tend to be more Trap heavy. Since Levine was the Slifer Slacker Player C, he wanted a few more answers to those.
These Duelists have known each other for quite some time. Levine and Lorengo are actually from the same home town of Fairfax, Virginia, and used to play at the same store. Levine first met Temnyk in 2016, when they played in the Top 4 of YCS Toronto (Temnyk would go on to win and become that YCS Champion). Afterward, Levine forgot his passport and was stuck in Canada for an extra two days. Temnyk invited him to stay with him, and then invited Levine to Duel in Temnyk’s native Australia. Levine’s gone three times now, and became a YCS Champion in Melbourne. The two Duelists each stay at the other’s place whenever they’re visiting. They even went to the World Championship with the same Deck list, despite representing different countries. All three of these Duelists make a point to play and practice together along with their other friends too.
This team has been very successful so far. What are their thoughts on the 3v3 format? “I think it’s great,” Temnyk said. He noted that it wasn’t too different from how they already play together a lot. “It rewards consistency; you get three people working together, three perspectives,” Lorengo added. Levine said, “I like it because I went 5-5 and now I’m in Top Cut!” He realized he was proving his earlier point about the weaker Duelist being Player C, and everyone laughed. He told about how in one Duel he drew his starting hand, and Lorengo had looked at it and said, “Oh, that’s game.” Levine asked how, and Lorengo simply said, “You’ll figure it out.” Everyone laughed again.
This team is not only one of great Duelists, but great friends. Best of luck to team Slifer Slacker in the Top 8!