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Home > 2020/02 - Las Vegas, NV, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Team YCS Las Vegas Profile: Team V

Team YCS Las Vegas Profile: Team V

February 22nd, 2020

All Duelists were required to enter this weekend’s Team YCS here in Las Vegas with 2 other Duelists, and finding Duelists to team-up with was easier for some Duelists than it was for other. But for Team V, forming a team couldn’t have been easier.

Team V and their father are ready for the competition to begin!

22-year-old Josh Vianello, 17-year-old Joseph Vianello, and 14-year-old Kris Vianello are three brothers from Dewey, Arizona that teamed up to play in this weekend’s event. They’re playing under the name Team V, which is short for Team Vianello. The Vianello brothers are all using different Decks this weekend, but practice against one another. Josh is using a Flamvell Deck, Joseph is using a Cyber Dragon Deck, and Kris is using a Frog Deck.

Their father, Mark Vianello, enjoys Dueling just as much as his kids; but since his 3 sons are competing together and he doesn’t have a team of his own, he’s sitting this event out. Instead, he’s here to support them throughout the event, and says he’ll participate in Public Events this weekend.

The Vianello brothers are excited to be playing in their first YCS event, and even more excited to be teaming up for it. Their father appears to be just as excited to see his sons team up and Duel alongside one another this weekend. “It’s awesome,” he said.

Team YCS Las Vegas is bringing Duelists closer together this weekend, as they work together to achieve a common goal. Follow the coverage to see how your favorite teams fare this weekend!