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Team YCS Las Vegas: Top Tables Update Round 5

February 22nd, 2020

Check out the Duelists and Decks at the top 15 tables of Team YCS Las Vegas in Round 5!

Tables 1-3: Not Evenly Trying vs. Durable and Kevin –
A: Emmanuel Rayford (Danger! Blue-Eyes) vs. Jhovany Avalos Luna (Zoodiac Lunalight)
B: Nathaniel Francois Jadotte (Salamangreat) vs. Francisco Cervantes Gutierrez (Scrap SPYRAL)
C: Eric Francis (Subterror) vs. Kevin Tran (Salamangreat)

Tables 4-6: Do it for Yoon vs. 43 and Me –
A: Hyuk Chang (Altergeist) vs. Alexander Cancell (Invoked Shaddoll)
B: Andy Long Zhou (Altergeist) vs. Blake Funderburke (Invoked Shaddoll)
C: Austin Mei (Lunalight) vs. Benjamin Wyman (Invoked Shaddoll)

Tables 7-9: Nerdy Jersey vs. See You in Vegas –
A: Steven Patrick Gleason (SPYRAL) vs. Quinton Brown (Scrap SPYRAL)
B: Matthew Cairoli (SPYRAL) vs. Marc St. Romain (Invoked Shaddoll)
C: Turner Brattan (SPYRAL) vs. Kobe Short (Scrap SPYRAL)

Tables 10-12: Eric Lee and Friends vs. Bad Decisions Got Us Here –
A: Akeem Abrahim (Salamangreat) vs. Kyle Shook (SPYRAL)
B: Jalani Stoddard (Scrap SPYRAL) vs. Lane Frasier (Altergeist)
C: Eric Lee (Lunalight) vs. Scott Hooglugt (Subterror)

Tables 13-15: Dino DNA vs. Pandamonium Gaming –
A: Griffin Gamrat (Block Dragon Burning Abyss) vs. Jose Ornelas (Altergeist)
B: Brendon Alexander Cornell (Salamangreat) vs. Michael Bui (SPYRAL)
C: Ross Nappi (SPYRAL) vs. Anthony Vo (Lunalight)