. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » UDS Invitational Tulsa, OK: Top 8 Pairings (with Decks!)
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UDS Invitational Tulsa, OK: Top 8 Pairings (with Decks!)

February 16th, 2020

The Top 8 is about to begin! Check out which Duelists and Decks are facing off!

Table 1: Ruben Penaranda (Scrap SPYRAL) vs. Hani Jawhari (SPYRAL)
Table 2: Carl Manigat (Shaddoll Invoked) vs. Michael Campos (Utopic Lunalight)
Table 3: Scott Page (True King Dinosaur) vs. Jesse Kotton (Shaddoll Invoked)
Table 4: Mitchell Martin (Lunalight Zoodiac Fire Fist) vs. Shunping Xu (Rokket Dragon Link)

We have 2 SPYRAL Decks (1 using Scrap cards), 2 Shaddoll Invoked Decks, 2 different Lunalight Decks, 1 True King Dinosaur Deck, and 1 Rokket Dragon Link Deck in the Top 8. That’s a total of 5 completely different strategies! Follow the coverage to see which strategy prevails!