Bounty Duelists
One special feature of a YCS is the Bounty Duelists! These are ten Duelists with bounties on their heads – defeat one in the Main Event, and you’ll get some bonus packs! At the end of the tournament, the Bounty Duelist gets to keep any unclaimed packs from their pool. A Duelist can be given a bounty for any reason at all – sometimes they’re a YCS Champion, other times they’re wearing a sweet cosplay, or maybe they just have a cool name. Here are the ten Bounty Duelists for YCS Charlotte:
Paul Aronson
Michael Beygelman
Kamal Crooks-Valdez
Jonathan Hernandez
Patrick Hoban
Zara Khan
Christopher LeBlanc
Logan Sheils
Maximillian Reynolds
Kevin Rivera
Good luck to anyone trying to win packs from these Duelists!