QQ: Favorite Speed Duel Character in the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box
April 10th, 2022
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The newest Speed Duel box features signature characters from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX series. Which ones are the favorites?
“Alexis Rhodes!!” -Julian Lebrian, 25
“Jaden Yuki” -Christopher LaStarria, 23
“Dr. Vellian Crowler” -Jonathan Reed, 19
“Axel Brodie because I like his name” -Carter Wix, 21
“Crowler” -William Buck, 24
“Chazz Princeton” -Stewart Luzier, 28
“Jaden & Chumley” -unnamed Duelist
We actually got a big variety of answers for this QQ! There are a lot of great characters from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX to love. Personally, this writer is a Zane and Chazz fan.
Categories: 2022/04 - YCS Charlotte