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QQ: Returning to In-Person YCS Events

April 10th, 2022

QQ stands for Quick Questions! It’s been two years since the last in-person YCS, and everyone is thrilled to be back. What’s your favorite thing about returning to in-person events?

“Getting to see my friends and travel.” -Jonathan Reed, 19

“People in this tournament. Good vibes.” -Christopher LaStarria, 23

“Everyone reminding me I’m a Champion” -Carter Wix, 21

“Seeing friends” -unnamed Duelist who speaks for everyone

“Seeing friends that I haven’t seen in 2+ years” -Stewart Luzier, 28

“Just being here to play!!” -Julian Lebrian, 25

The sentiments were all there – we’re just thrilled to see all the people we missed. Even Carter Wix, in his own way. It’s good to be back!

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